Exterior Plan:
-Hand Wash
-Wheels Cleaned
-Dress Exterior Tires
-Spray Wax Coating
Interior Plan:
-Deep Vacuum
-In Depth wipe down disinfection of all surfaces
Interior & Exterior Plan:
-Hand Wash
-Wheels Cleaned
-Dress Exterior Tires
-Spray Wax Coating
-Deep Vacuuming
-In-Depth wipe down disinfection of all surfaces
Basic Interior:
-Full Quick Vacuum
-Carpet Vacuum
-Quick Interior wipe down disinfection of all surfaces
-Door Jambs Cleaned
VIP Interior:
-Full Deep Vacuum
-Carpet Vacuum
-Thorough Interior wipe down disinfection of all surfaces
-Door Jambs Cleaned
-Condition All Leather
-Protect All Plastics & Vinyls
Basic Exterior:
-Hand Wash
-Foam Bath
-Wheel Faces Washed
-Dress Exterior Tires
-High Gloss Spray Sealant
Gold Exterior:
-Hand Wash
-pH Balanced Wax/Ceramic Coating intense Foam Bath
-Wheel Faces Deeply Washed
-Dress Exterior Tires
-High Gloss Spray Sealant
VIP Exterior:
-Hand Wash
-pH Balanced Wax/Ceramic Coating intense Foam Bath
-Wheel Faces Deeply Washed
-Dress Exterior Tires
-High Gloss Spray Sealant
-Ceramic/Wax Sealant (Hand Application)
Quick Interior & Exterior:
-Full Quick Interior Vacuum
-Carpet Vacuumed
-Quick Interior Wipe down of all surfaces
-Door Jambs cleaned
-Hand Wash
-Foam Bath
-Wheel faces Cleaned
-Dress Exterior Tires
Basic Interior & Exterior:
-Full Interior Vacuum
-Carpet Vacuumed
-Full Interior Wipe down of all surfaces
-Door Jambs cleaned
-Hand Wash
-Foam Bath
-Wheel faces Cleaned
-Dress Exterior Tires
-High Gloss Paint Sealant
Gold Interior & Exterior:
-Full Interior Vacuum
-Carpet Vacuumed
-Full Interior Wipe down of all surfaces
-Door Jambs cleaned
-Hand Wash
-pH Balanced and Coating-friendly foam bath
-Deep Wheel Face and inner Barrels Wash
-Dress Tires
-Ceramic Paint Sealant
VIP Interior & Exterior:
-Full Interior Vacuum
-Carpet Vacuumed
-Full Interior Wipe down of all surfaces
-Door Jambs cleaned
-Hand Wash
-pH Balanced and Coating-friendly foam bath
-Deep Wheel Face and inner Barrels Wash
-Dress Tires
-Ceramic Paint Sealant (Hand Applied)